
Humano Morphs

#15 - Pool Ghoul


Matt and Laura's parents build a new swimming pool in the backyard. It's supposed to be a summertime surprise, but as soon as the kids hit the water, a typhoon of terror erupts. Cute pool toys come alive and turn very ugly. Wicked wave after wave threatens to drown the innocent swimmers. The calm blue water suddenly changes to a horrible shade of blood red. Where's a life guard when you need one? Perhaps their strange neighbor, Miss Pincher will come to the rescue. Or perhaps she's behind all the problems with the pool.

Swim at your own risk!

Interesting Info

  • The cover shows an alligator with blood on his teeth, emerging from the pool. An awesome moon/tree scene is behind him.
  • The cover is darkish blue, and the Shivers logo is a bright neon orange.
  • The copyright says 1996.
  • It's dedicated to Bob and Linda

Cover Image